Chongyi facilitates the spread of sales and exports network worldwide for various drum components. We supply to renowned company group while also retain the flexibility of smaller niche company, and always uphold customer satisfaction as our primary core value and principle.
Thanks for helping us with the problem of flange insertion die, the solution solve the problem already at the first try.
Drum manufacturer in South Aisa
We've been worked together for 5 years, and really appreciate Courtney's effort in quality monitoring, price support and product variety. Me as distribustor in my country, I seek supplier's ethics and competiveness are rather importance, Xuheng is what I need :)
Mustafa O.
We used to buy branded ones, now we are switching to XEAL as global inflation and criss, XEAL products exceed our expectations and everything is smooth and fine so far...
Drum maker in Europe
I knew Joe from our drum factory start-up, he support most of our problems on flange and plugs, more like a technician for our company! We look forward to working together on the plugging machine after the virus gone finally.
Ong S.
I have been visit Xuheng China twice, and they were getting things better and better, my greetings and blessing to all personnel.
Luis D. from South America
We admire our Chinese partner for excellent products, quick delivery, and great service, especial thanks to Chris' support always.