In the storage of lubricating oil, the prevention of deterioration and pollution are the two most basic principles.
The deterioration of lubricating oil mainly refers to the failure of lubricating oil additive and the oxidation of base oil.
The oxidation and decomposition products of lubricating oil will not only accelerate the deterioration process of lubricating oil but also generate colloid, asphaltene and acidic substances, which will seriously affect the use of lubricating oil and may cause corrosion to mechanical equipment.
In order to prevent deterioration, attention must be paid to the following aspects in storage:
1. The storage of the oil itself and the container should be clean so that the oil does not contact or less contact with the metal and metal ions that promote the oxidation of the oil.
2. Avoid contact with substances that neutralize additives in oil, such as water, hazardous metals, etc.
For some oil with strong additive activity, the storage time should be reduced as far as possible.
3. Proper storage temperature.
Excessive temperature will accelerate the oxidation process.
4. Sealed environment with minimal contact with air.
5. Avoid direct sunlight
6. Avoid contamination, especially of water and metal particles, which can greatly accelerate the oxidation of the oil and render the additive ineffective.
7. Try to avoid long-term storage.
Pollution prevention
If the lubricating oil is polluted in storage, it will not only affect the future use of the lubricating oil but also may accelerate the oxidation and deterioration of the lubricating oil in the storage process.
Therefore, it is necessary to pay full attention to the pollution of oil products in the storage of lubricating oil.
The common pollution is water pollution, other oil pollution (that is, mixed oil), mechanical impurities and other harmful substances pollution.
1. Water pollution is the most common phenomenon in oil storage.
The pollution will not only make the water content of the oil exceed the standard, but also accelerate the oxidation of the oil, make the oil emulsion, make the additive ineffective, and seriously affect the service performance of the oil.
The sources of water pollution are generally rainwater, moist environment and water vapor in the air.
2. Contamination of other oils and fats.
Mainly occurs in bulk oil, open sealed barrels of oil or oil extraction process.
Do storage oil special tank, special barrel, special appliances, do a good job of cleaning the container before the storage of oil, can effectively avoid.
3. The contamination of various mechanical impurities is also a frequent occurrence in oil storage.
The direct effect of mechanical impurities in oil is the wear of mechanical equipment.
Since the lubricating oil film is very thin in use, small pollution particles invisible to the naked eye will also cause great mechanical wear.
And wear produced by the tiny metal abrasive dust is the catalyst for oil oxidation.
So small mechanical contamination is by no means a negligible problem.
The more sophisticated the oil is used for machinery, the more important the problem of pollution prevention becomes.
Therefore, in the process of storage of lubricating oil, managers should put an end to a variety of mechanical impurities pollution ways.
Ensure that the oil product is not contaminated by dust or other mechanical impurities.
4. Oxidation products from the container itself may also contaminate the lubricating oil during storage.
Some concrete measures in the process of lubricating oil storage
(1) Bulk oil products
1. The containers for holding and storing lubricating oil must be clean, sealed, and not in contact with metals that are easy to promote the oxidation and deterioration of lubricating oil.
2. Transport and storage of transformer oil and turbine oil requirements "special tank line";
Storage and transportation facilities for other oil products shall be set up according to three categories of internal combustion engine oil, hydraulic oil and gear oil.
3. In the process of transportation and storage, special attention should be paid to prevent mixing with water and impurities.
4. Storage life of bulk lubricating oil is generally not too long.
Storage of lubricating oil tank to regular cleaning, timely sewage.
5. The oil tank or oil tank is provided with an air filter respirator, a filter and a dustproof cap at the refueling port, and a drain valve at the bottom.
6. In principle, the same oil produced by different manufacturers should not be mixed storage. If it is not possible to mix storage, "mixing test" should be done first to confirm no adverse reactions before operation.
7. Settlement and filtration should be carried out before oil is added to the equipment to ensure a high degree of quietness.
The refueling container shall not be exposed in the atmosphere, and the oil filling container shall not have a lid.
8. Storage oil temperature is better slightly higher than the ambient temperature, to prevent the atmospheric water vapor in the oil condensation.
(2) barrels of oil
Indoor storage
The ideal place to store lubricating oil is indoor, such as the field can be designated oil storage room or oil silo, the oil drum is stored in the field designated place, can save a lot of handling time, very.
The oil drum should never store steam pipes or heated areas.
If the oil storage chamber cannot contain all the lubricating oil to be used in the plant, the best method is to use the warehouse of the nearby plant for temporary storage.
All kinds of lubricating oil should be used according to the arrangement of the system.
The goods that have been stored for a long time should be used first, and should not be blocked by the newly arrived goods.
The principle of "first in, first in" can reduce the chance of oil deterioration due to over-storage.
Outdoor storage: It is bad practice to store lubricants outdoors.
However, if it must be stored outdoors for space reasons, some precautionary measures should be taken to minimize the adverse consequences.
A makeshift tent or waterproof canvas can protect the oil drums from rain.
It must be placed on a shelf more than ten centimeters above the ground to prevent damage from moisture.
The oil drum shall be laid horizontally so that the two drums on the lid are at the same level.
At this position, the inside of the plug will not absorb moisture from the air when immersed in the lubricating oil, and moisture will not collect on the edge of the barrel.
For best protection, turn the barrel upside down, placing the end with the plug face down on well-drained ground.
If the barrel body has a plug, the barrel may be placed horizontally or upright, but the plug must be facing down.
If the oil drum is placed vertically with the plug up, water may rush into the drum through the plug gap and contaminate or damage the oil.
At the same time, rain or condensed water vapor will collect on the surface of the barrel.
Try to avoid direct sunlight on the oil drum to reduce the temperature change in the drum during the day and night.
When the temperature rises or falls, the heat expands and the cold shrinks, causing water to enter the bucket through the plug.
In addition to contaminating the oil in the oil drum, water will also cause other pollution in the oil drum.
When the barrel must be placed with the plug up, a wooden strip should be used to pad one side of the barrel so that the bottom is tilted to the side, and the straight line between the two plugs should be parallel to the strip, so that the opening of the plug in the watergarden.
In storage or before the storage of lubricating oil to check the quality of oil, to prevent emulsification, deterioration, pollution of lubricating oil is used.
A simple check can have the following aspects:
1. The color changes.
Oxidation can make some lubricating oil darker color;
Water pollution may cause turbidity, whitening or obvious emulsification of lubricating oil.
2. There is no precipitation.
The failure of additives may lead to the precipitation of some substances, and the pollution of dust and various solid particles will also form precipitation.
3. Layered.
Insoluble liquid sediment, such as severe water pollution, mixed with other liquids or liquid additives deterioration precipitation.
Short comments: The use of a drum closure with good sealing is helpful for the storage of lubricating oil.
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