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The Main Contents Of The Four Sessions Of The Standing Council Of China Packaging Federation

The Main Contents Of The Four Sessions Of The Standing Council Of China Packaging Federation

1. Examine and approve the work

Report of Han Xueshan, Vice President and Executive Secretary General of China Packaging Federation

Han Xueshan's work report summarizes the work done in the first half of 2021 and proposes a work plan for the second half.

Coincides with the one hundredth anniversary this year and the first year of "difference", the Chinese package coupon thoroughly study and apply new era xi the ideas of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and carry out the party history study education activities, to the party as the leading, serious study industry development plan, leading the green packaging development steadily, and constantly deepen the reform of the internal mechanisms, efforts to promote industry synergies with business service ability,

Actively expanding business channels and advancing all work in an orderly manner.

Focusing on green packaging and giving full play to the leading role of the industry, the packaging industry "14th Five-Year" planning compilation work, green packaging development subject research, green packaging standard system construction and standard preparation and revision work are carried out in an orderly manner.

The leadership team of the China Alliance of contracting is determined to intensify reform, change their thinking, improve their service ability and management level. In this year's work, we will reform the employment mechanism, stimulate the vitality of the staff, and set up an entrepreneurial atmosphere.

Explore and innovate new management and operation modes of branches;

Build a network office platform, improve office efficiency, and enhance the service ability of the industry.

This year, China Packing Federation has actively organized various industry activities: all branches actively held forums and training exchange activities, made full preparations for the China Packaging Window Exhibition in 2021, connected with government service enterprises, and actively carried out various industry services.

We should actively respond to the call of the Central Committee to study Party history, actively carry out Party history education, and strengthen the leading role of Party building.

In the second half of the year, CCPB will continue to listen to the opinions and suggestions of various parties through investigation, interviews, symposiums and other forms, and strive to complete the compilation of the 14th Five-Year Plan with high quality.

Go all out to prepare for the ninth and third council of China Packaging Federation;

Promote the green transformation and development of the packaging industry in a multi-dimensional way. Promote all business work in an orderly way, and further deepen the internal reform.

The meeting deliberated and adopted the work report of Vice Chairman Han Xueshan.

II. Examine and adopt the proposal on revising the Administrative Measures for Branches of China Packaging Federation

In order to strengthen the management of the branch of China packaging federation, give full play to the functions of branches, the benign development of the branch, according to the "social organization registers management regulations of the State Council, the Ministry of Civil Affairs Ministry of Finance of the people's bank of the branch (representative) on strengthening community institutions financial management notice" and "articles of association of China packaging federation",

Amended the "China Packaging Federation Branch Management Measures", after the ninth four times of the executive council review, unanimously passed the revised "China Packaging Federation Branch Management Measures" motion.

III. Examine and adopt the proposal to amend the Financial Management Measures of the Branches of China Packaging Federation

To regulate affiliated branch of China packaging federation of unified financial management, according to the Ministry of Civil Affairs Ministry of Finance of the people's bank of the branch (representative) on strengthening community institutions financial management notice file spirit and the folk non-profit organization accounting system of related policies and requirements, combined with China's actual work need package coupon to the branches,

Rerevised the "China Packaging Federation Branch Financial Management Measures", the ninth four times the executive council review, unanimously passed the revised "China Packaging Federation Branch Financial Management Measures" motion.

IV. Deliberate and pass the draft of the Measures for the Management of the Performance Assessment of the Heads of the Branches of the China Packaging Federation

To give full play to their role as the branch of China packaging federation, establish an effective incentive and constraint mechanism, stimulate China's package the vitality of the overall quality development, better service to members, service industry, service government, according to the measures for the administration of the branch of China packaging federation, to develop the branch of China packaging federation, head of business performance appraisal management method ".

After the deliberation of the ninth four times of the standing council, unanimously passed the formulation of the "China Packaging Federation Branch Head Management Performance Assessment Measures" motion.

V. Examine and pass the draft of Administrative Measures for Issuing Certificates (Letter of Recommendation) of China Packaging Federation

To further standardize the proof issued by management of China packaging federation, better declare governments and government departments at all levels for the enterprise project, carry out brand cultivation provide proof (recommendation) service, combined with actual situation work established the China packaging federation issued certificate (recommendation) management regulations (draft) ", the nine session of the standing council, four times

The proposal of "Management Measures for Issuing Certificate (Letter of Recommendation) by China Packaging Federation (Draft for Comments)" was unanimously passed

VI. Deliberate and adopt the motion on the replacement of the design committee of China Baotoulian

According to the provisions of the Constitution of China Packaging Federation, the office of the Secretariat of the Design Committee of China Packaging Federation is changed after the research of the President's Office Meeting. The secretariat is located in China Export Commodity Packaging Research Institute, the 3rd floor, Building 2, No.42, Dongli Yards, Baijiazhuang Village, Chaoyang District, Beijing.

After the deliberation of the Standing Council for the fourth time in the ninth session, the proposal on the replacement of the design committee of China Baotou Alliance has been unanimously passed

Short comments:

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